Wazifa to Increase The Love Of The Prophet

If you need to increase your love with the Prophet (Sallal laho alihay wa aalehi wasallim) Please do these after every Fajr and Asr salah.
Kausar surah 7 occasions
Salawat/Darood 7 times
Surah Wad Duha. Chapter 30 (among the previous couple of surahs in Quran)…. 7 occasions
Insha Allah after a short time of time your love increases immensely.

Before you commence any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) privately. My master has graciously authorized my wazifas.
You must send many savab / Hasana of whatsoever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then a wazifas will work. Please read carefully how you can send the savab correctly with this website.



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