How To Find a Murshid or Sheikh

Doing bait (Baya) of the Murshid or Sheikh can be Sunnah. There are several places in the life of our much loved Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) that they did bait (Baya) connected with Sahaba. The most famous is referred to as Bait-i-Ridvan, which is mentioned in Quran. Allah says in Quran that bait (Baya) that “It hasn’t been your hand that many people took for bait although My hand”. Calling the hand connected with Rasullullah (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) THEIR OWN HAND. Refusing it altogether is kufur and definately will turn you into the kafir instantly. Since you merely refused to believe just what the hadis says and you have refused all ayets inside Quran about Aulia Allah.
In accordance with Hadis
1- “If you died without doing bait (Baya) you died like a fasiq”
2-“If you died without doing bait (Baya) you passed on an ignorant (Jahil) death”
3-“If you dont have a very Sheikh (murshid/spiritual guide) the sheikh is Sheytan”
For your past 1400 years muslims are already doing bait (baya) of an Sheikh.
This is a true method and you’ll see your future Sheikh/Murshid/Piir as part of your dream, if you keep on doing this wazifa every night.
1. Read two Rakat Nafall with Niyyah -intention asking Allah on your Wali-Murshid Spiritual Sheikh.
two Read 313 times Salawat/darood Naariyah -Click right here to open it.
Please keep on doing the work until you are told where to go to seek your sheikh. insha’a Allah you will notice it in your dream inside a week.

Before you begin any wazifa, remember that every wazifas given by myself are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) in person. My master has graciously accepted my wazifas.
You must send all savab / Hasana of no matter what wazifa you do, for you to him first. Only then a wazifas will work. Please read carefully tips on how to send the savab correctly using this website.


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