Wazifa To Make Parents Agree for Marriage

Wazifa To Make Parents Agree for Marriage ,” If your husband or your wife or your children or anyone does not love you for any reason, please read the following

11 times Darood
786 times full bismillah
11 times darood.
Blow on water and give it to the person whom you want to love you. He will start loving you.In case of the whole family fighting with each other everyone should drink this water. You can also do this for your children who are disrespectful towards you or do not look after you. Please continue for 7 days at least.

Wazifa To Make Parents Agree for Marriage

May possibly ALLAH AZZAWAJAL fulfill your complete legitimate desires with a lot of ease. I am representing another very strong wazifa for marriage of this choice. Whether you are a boy or girl you can execute this wazifa. But both must recite this everyday without skipping any day.

How to Accomplish?

In English:

Duration is for 11 continuous nights;
Make a new wudu:
Recite Chapter Yaseen Sharif thrice;
Recite Ya ALLAHU Ya Fattahu 303 situations;
Pray for easy solution of this marriage problem;
And likewise both of you might do this with Friday after Fri obligatory prayer;

Focus on reciting 10 situations Darood Sharif;
Recite 1001 situations Ya Wadudo;
Again in the end recite 10 situations Darood Sharif all over again;
Blow on a few salt and hold this salt using respect.
This is one time wazifa. Boy will recite this specific for his mothers and fathers and girl for my child parents consent.
Then daily combine this salt throughout parents food and keep very nice and polite behavior with him or her;
After some nights, ask them using respect and honor to your marriage suggestion. insha ALLAH they will give their consent;
Note: Also hold paying Alms, non-reflex charity like meal, money & apparel etc. to beggars, poor people and other desperate ones. This will insha ALLAH remove your complete hurdles in your own marriage and ease towards you. Girls need to start this wazifa through the days when they will finish this constantly for 11 days in one stretch. It is mandatory to end this without skipping any day.