Islamic Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

The word love sounds very beautiful and fascinating. Love is some thing very charming which causes affection between the two. Allah S.W.T Highest of all has given the verification in our deen-e-mukammal Islam to get married with the person whom you liked there is nothing wrong in it, is all sharai and halal to get committed in the relation of love marriage, but with clean intentions and pure mind with out harming any one. Islam verifies and permits 100% love marriage as our religion never
gave any rule of forcing which is really very inappropriate. Some times parents force their children to get married under their liking and permission,
but this doesn’t mean and some relations does not move further because of the forcefulness and some doesn’t work
because of the problem that the other one never understand your feeling yes! other one is the one whom you get fall in love with. You can actually make the person whom you love towards you
and attract him or her with the appropriate way and with the source and permission and with making Allah agree to grab the attention of the person you want to attract. If you want the same person whom you love don’t lose hope Allah open ways for his slaves. Feel free to contact any time as we keep your issues all secure and private.
All solution under the right ways, under the light of Quran. Allah Kareem.

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