Muslim Astrology

Astrology with Islam or Muslim is usually Haram. means it’s banned in islam or even muslims. but when i was select research to uncover astrology in islam i quickly was got plenty of interesting truth regarding islam and astrology relation.

in the Maldives islam they have confidence in astrology and right now there strong believe upon astrology. Arab also find out about astrology with extended year ago. large amount of muslim country think on astrology. they put it to use to know prior and future.

astrology can be a science based upon 10 planets. through these astrology signs you are able to able to calculate your horoscope, prior, future, and much more.

astrology is an authentic science that is founded on mathematics. a good astrologer capable to calculate these calculation by utilizing correct formulas. after good calculation outcome will show. this result is telling about you and yourself.

in all religion astrology perhaps there is directly or could be indirectly. may be kind of calculation is diverse but result is usually same. as per know in order to resolve a mathematics problem there may be so many formulas perhaps there is but its totally is depend on you that together with formulas is much healthier. no matter which formulas you may use. you need to get a good astrologer to provide you a accurate result. without a excellent astrologer you can’t get correct outcome. its not ensures that astrology is not correct this means that astrologer is don’t be aware that how to work with astrology calculation.

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